STEPHANIE Massage Therapy *Office*Closed* 650-687-7876 SF Bay Area over 20 years experience

What clients are saying...

"Stephanie, my massage therapist, was very friendly.  I immediately felt comfortable with her but was mostly impressed by her knowledge base...I have minor scoliosis, which Stephanie gave me some helpful tips which would take pressure off my lower back - She has a background in chiropractic massage.  (Stephanie) is a GEM!  Coming from a medical background myself, I felt she was a refreshing change to what I usually come across in my day spa experiences.  Overall, my experience was AWESOME! " - DG

"My poor tense shoulders have turned me into half quasimoto half girl but thankfully Stephanie has truly helped to heal and repair my body back to normal." - EM

"I scheduled a 90 minute deep tissue massage with Stephanie to work on several problem areas of mine. She is extremely friendly and knowledgeable.  I was really impressed by how much she knew about how the different muscles were connected...She has magical, healing hands.  She also gave me suggestions to help reduce tension in my problem areas. I'm definitely going back to her." - JR

"I got a massage by Stephanie, and it was truly therapeutic. I would recommend her highly for her healing and relaxing method...she is a very kind person and really made sure that I was comfortable with the very professional way she does her massage. Stephanie stands out as one of the best for sure!!!" - EA

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